Friday, April 4, 2008

META refreshing considered spamdexing

I am writing this as a memo for myself, and a message to reviewers of my old (blocked) blog at

I realize the whole issue is about Meta refreshing of HTML. This has been a common practice for a long time to redirect users from an old page to a new page. The problem of this practice, however, is that users will have difficulties on intervening the redirection.

I embedded a Meta-refreshing tag in my old (now blocked) blog for an automatic redirection. As seen in the's definition of spam blog, this redirection is considered spamdexing, a violation of service terms.

I think no one likes spamming any more and neither do I, but I should confess that I didn't study well on how Meta-refreshing is considered abusive these days in the HTML writing practice. I will remove the embedded META tag as soon as allows me to reedit the contents, or to be specific, to reedit the layout HTML tags of the old blog of mine.

And I suggest you all to stop using Meta refreshing. Being misunderstood as a spamdexing is doing nothing good for you, whatever your intention might be.