Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Coming change in 2013

(Photo by Kenji Rikitake, with a book cover of "Concurrent Programming in Erlang", which is an on-demand printed version via amazon.co.uk)

I've been away from this blog for quite a long time. This will be a short entry, though I'm writing this to make a mark at the beginning of the year 2013.

I'll be on a big transition in this year 2013. I'll write about the details when available. I can promise that I'll keep focusing on Erlang/OTP and distributed systems, as I have been for the past 5 years. Stay tuned for the details.

Lots of things happened last year. A good news is that I joined the 11th ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop held at Copenhagen on September 2012. Meeting a lot of great people and nice friends there was a precious experience.

A bad news is that I have been taking a long sick leave since November 2012. I will write about the details later when I feel I should, but for the time being I can only conclude that a long-distance commuting literally killed me again, as it had done during 1990 to 1992. I definitely have to change my lifestyle.

On new year's resolution: I won't declare it this year, because I need to drastically restructure my professional life anyway. Of course I've got to get myself into a good shape. And I need to spend more time on code writing and development, which I could not for the past three years.

I hope things will work out in a good way this year; it's a year of Snake in Japanese/Chinese 12-year holoscope, and it's my year too.